Homework Tips For Parents | Children’s Learning Adventure
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Learn homework tips to help your child finish their homework, by Children’s Learning Adventure.
Children's Learning Adventure

Nov 21, 2022

Homework. Just the word can send parents into a tailspin. Should you help? Won't that just make your child dependent on you? How can you make sure your child is understanding the material? And what about all of those extra-credit opportunities? It's enough to make anyone want to pull their hair out! 

Don't worry, we're here to help. In this blog post, we'll share some tried-and-true tips for parents who want to help their kids with homework without driving themselves (or their kids) crazy in the process. 

Establish a Homework Station

One of the best things you can do to support your child's homework efforts is to create a dedicated homework station. This doesn't have to be anything fancy—a simple desk or table in a quiet corner of the house will do. The important thing is that it's a designated space where your child can sit down and focus on their schoolwork without distractions like television, video games, or younger siblings. 

If possible, try to stock the homework station with supplies like pencils, paper, scissors, glue, etc. so that your child has everything they need within reach. And if you have room, consider adding a small bookshelf with age-appropriate books as well as reference materials like dictionaries and encyclopedias. Not only will having these resources on hand make homework time easier, but it will also encourage your child to read for pleasure when they're not working on school assignments. 

Set Expectations For Homework Ahead of Time

Before homework even starts, take a few minutes to review your expectations with your child. Let them know how long you expect them to work on their homework each day and what types of behavior are acceptable (e.g., no yelling, no throwing things, no putting head down on desk and taking a nap). It might also be helpful to establish a simple visual cues system—for example, one check mark for every 10 minutes of good work—so that both you and your child can easily see when it's time for a break. 

Encourage Good Study Habits Early On

Habits are hard to break—that's why it's so important to encourage good study habits in kids from an early age. If possible, start when they're in elementary school by helping them develop routines like setting aside time each day for homework and keeping track of upcoming assignments and tests in a planner or calendar. As they get older and have more autonomy over their schoolwork, continue to reinforce these habits by being available to answer questions and offer assistance when needed but also giving them the space to work independently whenever possible. 


Homework doesn't have to be a headache—for you or your child! By following these simple tips, you can set your family up for success this school year: 

  • Establish a homework station stocked with supplies and reference materials; 
  • Set expectations for behavior and duration ahead of time; 
  • Encourage good study habits early on; 
  • Offer assistance when needed but let them work independently whenever possible. 

Children’s Learning Adventure also has an afterschool program to help your children with their homework so parents don’t have to stress out as much. Do you have any other tips for making homework time less stressful? We'd love to hear them! Share in the comments below or reach out to us on social media @childrenslearningadventure!

